Projects | Random links |
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News | |
30SEP14 | Got featured on Hack a Day |
28SEP14 | Added IR remote control repeater project |
30AUG14 |
Started yet another new project rebuilding a universal laser system 25PS laser cutter |
4MAR14 |
Got featured on Hack a Day DIY crossing train bell Added link to DIY model train crossing bell |
26NOV13 | Got featured on Hack a Day 10W led driver Fiber light source |
17NOV13 | Added link to Stop
Motion camera dolly Added page for the 10W led driver / dimmer Added link to 10W-LED-fiber-light-source |
28OCT13 | Added link to twitter
account on the contacts page. Updated the 5 channel LED candle project with new video and a link to the instructable and tinde kits. Got accepted to the smarter life challenge follow my blog here. |
27AUG13 |
Got featured on Hack a Day I built the launcher used in this feature. Water rocket lautcher |
29SEP13 | Added 5 channel LED candle project. |
25MAY13 | Added head mounted camera project. |
7MAY13 | Major progress on the climbing wall in part thanks to Red Bull for motivation. |
17AUG12 |
Added link to the Junkbox 18x7x7 CNC mill
project. |
24JUL12 |
Added the Touch sensitive climbing wall
project. |
2APR11 |
Added the HP82240B IR printer
adapter project. Added Rochester Tabletop Robotics League pages |
21JUL10 | Updated quadrature to YADRO frimware to improve EMI noise imunity. (see link for more info) |
17JUL10 | Updated quadrature to YADRO frimware to power up with a non-zerro default value. (see link for more info) |
27JUN10 | Finished quadrature to YADRO adapter and updated the Cen-Tech to YADRO adapter |
19FEB10 | New version of the "button" firmware for the MKV GTI that adds TTL outputs for button presses as well as the serial communication. here |
14FEB10 | Automotive can bus to serial adapter finished (VW MKV GTI) here |
14FEB10 | DRO scale mounts added to mill page here |
05DEC09 | Cen-tech to Yadro converter built up and verified good here |
21NOV09 | Cen-Tech to Yadro converter raw cards arrived here |
14NOV09 | Cen-Tech to Yadro converter finished and released here |
10OCT09 | Added STT trailer converter project here |
16AUG09 | Cen-Tech to RS232 converter finished and released here |
26JUN08 | finally got all the pages reworked to a point I can start posting them. Should see more content added over the next few weeks. First thing up all the photos of my EV and Milling machine under projects. |